Galicia Citar

"Although there is no direct extant record of the language spoken by any of the peoples of ancient Callaecia, some linguistic information can be recovered through the analysis of the names (personal names, names of deities, ethnonyms, and place-names) that occur in Latin inscriptions and in ancient Greek and Latin sources. These names prove the presence of speakers of a Celtic language in this area, but there are also names of other origins." Eugenio R. Luján Martínez, The Language(s) of the Callaec

todos Galicia comillas, Citas sobre el genio, Los 10 mejores genio citas


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"Galicia citas." 2016.

Principales autores : Alcalá-de-Henares, Alex-Cox-, Amanda-Crew-, Ambrose-Bierce, American-Wedding-2003-, Anónimo, Arthur-stanley-eddington, Bob-Colacello-,

Temas : , vida, verdad, fe, mujer, hora, gente, poder,

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Galicia, ancient,language,latin,there,names,Citas, pensamientos, aforismos, refranes, declaraciones